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Pro Version: Granular biometrics through WearablesProviding detailed personalised analysis by harvesting EEG, ECG, fine movement and other biometric data during digital browsing sessions

This version includes a mini lab testing environment, enabling detailed monitoring of consumers’ behaviour using sleek wearable devices connected to a mobile app, with data analysed and visualised in an online dashboard. The lab is mobile, and provides real time data pre-processing and analysis.

Each data source will be logged with a timestamp, enabling millisecond precision and correlating with what computer vision will detect on the screen.

The pro version includes both raw and analysed data available on the dashboard

The Pro version uses:

  1. EEG signals: using a sleek wearable, we will be collecting EEG data with millisecond accuracy and using EEG for neuro-specific metrics 

  2. ECG signals: using cardio data, IBI and HRV to detect emotional and physiological states based on ECG data

  3. Fine movement: using accelerometers and gyroscopes to detect and map out fine body movement

  4. Psychometrics: psychological profiling of each consumer based on simple standardised questionnaires.