Research platform: Tutorial and Walkthrough

One of the most common scenarios our clients have is the following:

They know and understand what affective and behavioural research is, they have a pressing internal challenge/brief that they want to address, and they have the buy in to make it happen. But where do they start?

  • How should they design a research experiment? How should they select the recruitment criteria so it should reflect their target audience?

  • Should the research be monadic or sequential, or perhaps monadic sequential?

  • Will a HUT (Home Use Test) work or is a CLT (Central Location Test) better for them?

  • Will the sample size be statistically significant, and how can they ensure replicability of results? What wearables should they integrate, and should they use physical, physiological data or both? Is implicit enough or do they need explicit as well?

  • Should the stimuli be randomised and balanced?

    And this doesn’t even scratch the surface.

If this feels overwhelming, that is OK - there is a lot to unpack here. Enter Tacit research platfrom

Despite having previous formal education, practical trining and even hands on experiences - it still gets overwhelming to design, conduct, interpret and disseminate insights from affective and behavioural research projects.

This is why the Tacit research platform is designed as a complete solution that would empower your organization to conduct any and every biometric research/affective computing/behavioural experiment.

The Tacit Research Platform is designed as a one-stop-shop; compatible with off-the-shelf, certified wearable devices that are paired with our software - making it easy to get and manage the inventory of devices; either the ones that belong to us or the client’s side.

The platform enables you to collect physical data via Tacit Lite (facial coding, voice tone, NLP, eye tracking, and super body movement) and physiological data via Tacit Pro (all physical data + EEG, ECG, GSR, respiration, temperature, oxygen saturation and more). 

The Research platform is a complete solution that enables you to manage the research design, stimuli, and respondents as well as raw data management.

Simple, fast, scalable and compliant.

If you want to see more of our platform in action and get the full walkthrough, please feel free to check out our video tours.

Please note that the final video was made for our educational partners, If you are interested in our education courses “Introduction to Affective Computing” and “Affective computing in e-business” please feel free to reach out to

andrea Sagud